The Greg Douglas Bursary, originally established in 1988 as the ACRID Bursary, was renamed in June, 2002 as a tribute to the memory of our dear colleague, Greg Douglas. Greg was a longtime supporter of ASLIA (once known as ACRID) and a truly respected professional in the interpreting Community. Greg modeled exemplary professionalism through his leadership among his peers and through his passion for learning. He was a mainstay at MacEwan University (formerly known as Grant MacEwan Community College) American Sign Language-English Interpreting Program (AEIP) as he dedicated much of his volunteer time in the classroom and with practicum students. He inspired students and colleagues alike to share in his dedication to strive for excellence. Greg was also loved and admired by members of the Deaf Community. He was known as one who gave generously and selflessly of his friendship and expertise. Our Community was made richer by Greg’sgiving and ever-enthusiastic personality. He will be remembered and respected by all as a role model of aProfessional and a Life-long learner.
This annual Bursary of $500.00 is awarded to a Lakeland College Sign Language Interpretation Program student who demonstrates outstanding dedication and leadership to peers in the program and to the Interpreting and Deaf Communities. The ideal candidate will reflect a positive attitude, fostering a spirit of cooperation between communities.
You may (a) download the application and email it and accompanying documents to, or (b) complete the form below.
If you complete the online form, you will need to email proof of CASLI membership to